10 Best Free AI Content Detector Tool 2024

The advancement of AI technology has led to the proliferation of AI-generated content, making it challenging to distinguish between human and AI-created text.

In this digital age, the need for reliable AI content detector tools has become increasingly important. These Free AI Content Detector Tool are designed to identify AI-generated content and help maintain the authenticity of written material.

With a variety of options available, choosing the best free AI content detector tool is crucial for writers, editors, and educators to ensure the integrity of their work. 

Our Pick

Scribbr AI Detector

$ 0
  • Best for students and academic writers.
  • Free for 500 words.
Our Pick
Our Rating:


$ 0
  • Best for bloggers and content writers.
  • Free for 5000 words.
Our Pick
Our Rating:

Sapling AI Detector

$ 0
  • Best for students and academic writing.
  • Free
Our Pick
Our Rating:

10 Best Free AI Content Detector Tool 2024

1. Scribbr AI Detector

1. Scribbr AI Detector can detect most English texts generated by popular tools like ChatGPT, Bard, and Bing Chat.

2. The free AI detector can detect GPT2, GPT3, and GPT3.5 with average accuracy, while the Premium AI Detector powered by Turnitin has high accuracy and the ability to detect GPT4.

3. The tools work by analyzing specific characteristics of the text, such as sentence structure, length, word choice, and predictability, to identify AI-generated content.

4. The free AI detector allows for an unlimited number of AI content checks without the need to create an account.

Scribbr AI Detector

$ 0
  • Free for 500 words.
Our Pick
Our Rating:

2. GPTZero

1. GPTZero is designed to detect AI-generated content at the sentence, paragraph, and document levels, with a focus on English prose.

2. GPTZero is number one AI detector for students and has been trusted by educators, institutions, and journalists for its accuracy in differentiating AI-written content from human-written content


$ 10
  • Free for 5000 words.
Our Pick
Our Rating:

3. Sapling AI Detector

1. It provides an overall score for the entire text and highlights portions of the text that appear to be AI-generated.

2. The detector also highlights individual sentences that may be AI-generated due to low measures of perplexity. This is particularly useful for identifying cliché or simplistic sentences. 

3. There is a browser extension available for the AI Content Detector, which allows users to check for AI-generated content anywhere on the web. It also integrates with chatbots such as ChatGPT, providing a convenient way to run AI detection with a single click.

Sapling AI Detector

$ 25 Monthly
  • Unlimited Free
Our Pick
Our Rating:

4. ContentdetectorAI

1. It accurately detects AI-generated content, including that from models like ChatGPT, GPT 3.5, and GPT 4, providing a probability score for the likelihood of AI creation.

2. You can perform unlimited checks without any word limit, making it suitable for bloggers, academics, and professionals who need to check large volumes of content regularly for AI-generated text.

3. It enables checking for AI content in real-time, allowing users to identify AI-generated content as they create or encounter it.


$ 0
  • Unlimited Free
Our Rating:

5. Wordtune AI Content Detector

1. The Wordtune AI Content Detector is designed to assess whether a piece of writing has been generated by a human or AI, providing transparency on the source of content.

2. It has an accuracy rate of over 70-80%.

3. The Wordtune Rewrite tool can be used to rephrase any parts of the text that are marked as AI-generated.

4. It can analyze text up to 5000 characters in length for free version.

Wordtune AI Content Detector

$ 9
  • Free for 5000 words.
Our Rating:

6. ZeroGPT

1. The ZeroGPT has a user-friendly interface that allows users to check whether a given text is generated by an AI tool like ChatGPT or Google Bard, or if it is written by a human.

2. ZeroGPT has an accuracy rate of more than 90% and can detect AI-generated text in all available languages, making it a versatile tool for students, writers, educators, and anyone who wants to ensure that their text is original.

3. ZeroGPT’s performance can significantly decrease when texts are deliberately modified by paraphrasing or re-writing.


$ 8
  • Free for 15,000 characters.
Our Rating:

7. Contentatscale AI Content Detector

1. The tool boasts a high accuracy rate of 70-90% in identifying content generated by large language models such as ChatGPT, GPT-4, GPT-3, Bard, Claude, and Gemini.

2. It checks for traces of AI in the text, such as repetitive words, lack of natural flow, and generic tone, and provides an overall yes/no/maybe output, along with a sentence-by-sentence highlight to indicate sentences that trigger AI detection.

3. The platform has been reviewed positively for its speed, simplicity, and the ability to scan up to 2500 characters at a time in free version.

Contentatscale AI Detector

$ 49 Monthly
  • Free for 2500 words.
Our Rating:

8. Smodin AI Content Detector

1. The tool can differentiate between human-written content and text generated by AI, such as ChatGPT or Bard, with 91% accuracy in flagging AI and 99% accuracy in confirming human-written text.

2. You can easily upload their text for analysis, after which the AI quickly produces a report addressing any concerns and offering suggestions for improvement.

Smodin AI Detector

$ 15 Monthly
  • Free for 5,000 words.
Our Rating:

9. Duplichecker AI Content Detector

1. The tool offers a simple process where users can paste their content or upload a file, and then click the “Detect AI” button to initiate the analysis. The detector will then display the percentage score of the text that’s either written by a person or an AI-based tool like ChatGPT.

2. The tool is available for a wide range of users, including bloggers, marketers, teachers, and others who want to verify the originality of content.

Duplichecker AI Detector

$ 0
  • Unlimited Free
Our Rating:

10. StealthWriter AI Detector

1. The StealthWriter AI Detector is a tool that detects AI content generated with various AI text generators, such as ChatGPT, GPT-4, Bard, Bing Chat, and Claude, among others.

2. The tool is designed to detect content from a wide range of AI text generators, and it supports multiple languages.

3. StealthWriter rewrites AI content into human-like readable text, ensuring it is plagiarism-free and undetectable by AI detectors.

StealthWriter AI Detector

$ 20 Monthly
  • Free for 2,000 words.
Our Rating:


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